Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I thought this was on my 2012 bucket list, but I guess it wasn't. 

51.  Watch every Harry Potter movie.


Thursday, January 5, 2012


After watching the latest episode of 'The Bachelor', I've decided that 99% of most serious bloggers are CRAZY.

I've been looking around at a few blogs and trying to decide if I want to follow blogs that don't belong to family or close friends.  I'm just not sure that I want to get THAT caught up in other peoples' lives when I can barely keep up with my own.

I ran across one earlier that just talks about her depression.  I've been diagnosed as clinically depressed since 2005, but that's not the first thing I talk to someone about openly.  Blogging about it to me is like walking up to a stranger and introducing myself, "Hi, I'm Sammye and I just wanted to let you know in advance that I'm depressed and that's all we're going to talk about."

I do like the fact that I can openly share my thought and feelings with the public, or private, if I chose to  put my settings to subscribers only, but there is just some things I don't want to blog about.  Writing about depression, cancer, ovulation, etc. isn't what I'm about.  I know several of these blogs write about the negative and then share the uplifting, positive side of these conditions, but I don't want to read about it EVERY DAY.

I guess I'm just too ADD and need variety.  Maybe I should talk about my clinically diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder that I've had since I was 19 (actually, probably more like since I was 2)...
Ooooooo, shiny object...


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Deepest darkest secrets...

...we shared them.  Brian and I did.  I don't think he realizes it, but I shared with him something I have never told anyone.  And I tell a lot of people a LOT about me.  I think Brian knows about 99.09% of everything about me, except for 2 things, and I told him one tonight.  I'm sure the other wouldn't be a big deal now.  I should've just said it with the other thing. 

I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders.  It's something I hoped no one would ever find out about me, especially my husband.  But now he knows and accepts me for me, every single weird thing about me

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I did it again :(

But I must say, it's been a crazy New Year so far.

Just a little update on what's going on with the family.  

It has started off with a sick baby and some sick and broke pets. 

Andrew went to the ER last Monday when we got back from Georgia.  They said he had croup.  After a week of medicine, he was still coughing and not feeling well.  He went to Nabulsi this morning.  He has RSV and an ear infection in the same ear that he had over Thanksgiving.  I hope he starts feeling better soon.  He's so sad and pitiful when he's sick :(

Buddy wasn't feeling well either.  He has been coughing, vomiting, not eating or drinking, and he's down to 7 pounds from 12!  Smeetak diagnosed him with an upper respiratory virus, too!  Now two in my household are on antibiotics and couch suppressants! 

Rambo may have a torn ligament a few weeks ago when he fell off the bed, but he's been putting weight and pressure on it and overall acting generally happy.  He's outgrown his collar.  Need to get him a new one...maybe one with bigger spikes.

Kitty Willer took his cast off while we were gone to Georgia and still needs to get his stitches removed, but he doesn't seem to think anything is the matter with him.  He seriously is one of the best cats ever. 

Brian is ok.  He never gets sick.  And if he is, it takes a LOT for him to complain about it.

I feel like I was hit by a bus in the face when I woke up this morning.  Sinuses suck.  My dentist told me I have some of the largest sinus cavities he's ever seen.  Top 5.

On a happier note, I got my nails did today and got my eyelashes tinted!  Didn't even know they did that till a few weeks ago!  Since my eyelashes are blonde and hard to see, I tried it out.  Looks like I'm wearing mascara and it lasts around 5 weeks.  And at the same salon, found the best new nail person.  I'm never going to those cheap Vietnamese places again!  This was seriously the best nail experience I've ever had. 

Ok.  I guess that's enough for today.  Brian is working on the PS3 while we catch up on all the new episodes of our favorite TV shows, including 'The Bachelor'.  LOVE BEN F!  I hope that blogger with crazy eyes gets booted. 

Tomorrow, I shall work on my 'Been There, Done That' bucket list of awesome things I've accomplished. 


Sunday, January 1, 2012

First day of the New Year

[I meant to post yesterday,  but didn't...I'm already off to a bad start.]

The other day my Dad brought over an old journal that I had started years ago.  In the past, I've always tried to keep a diary, journal, blog, etc, either after a bad event happens in my life, or it's the new year.  This one was after something bad happened in my life.  My Dad said he didn't mean to read it, but he couldn't help himself.  He said he wished he wouldn't have.  "It was pretty depressing."

Most of my inner thoughts I've tried to put on paper or into typed words are 'pretty depressing', but I've determined that IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR.  What comes off of my hands and onto paper, or screen in this case, is going to be positive.  What comes out of my mouth, however, is a different story.

In this one particular journal entry, dated March 5, 2006, I talked about how around my age, my brother wrote a 'bucket list'.  My Mom told me about how I should write down on paper 100 things I wanted to accomplish in my lifetime.  I numbered the lines 1-100.  Of these 100 lines, I only filled out 36.  Of these 36, I have only accomplished 5.5. 

On December 31, 2011, I started writing down a 'bucket list' of things I wanted to accomplish in the year 2012.  I started comparing the 2 lists there are many similarities between the two.  In the last 5 years, there were tasks I wanted to accomplish and never did.  This year, I AM going to complete more than 5.5 tasks on my YEARLY bucket list.  Maybe sometime this year I'll make a life bucket list, but for now, I'm going to focus on my short-term goals.

I'm probably going to use this blog to help me organize and focus on these goals, both my yearly and lifetime goals, and I'd love for you to follow me on my journey and finding myself and figuring out who I am (blah blah blah).

So without further ado and in no particular order, here is my 2012 Bucket List:

1.   Start  a blog.
2.   Make a bucket list.
3.   Exercise.  This includes trying P90X, Insanity, Zuma, Brazilian Buttlift and any other infomercial ad I see.
4.   Read more.  This includes the Harry Potter series, Twilight series, Hunger Game series, Sookie Stackhouse novels, and anything else somebody suggests I read. 
5.   Lose at least 30 pounds.  50 would be ideal.
6.  Go on a shopping spree after losing said weight. 
7.   Learn to cook.
8.   Learn to clean. 
9.   Learn to sew.
10. Take a photography class.
11.  Take a scrapbooking class.
12.  Take a cooking class.
13.  Take a beading class.
14.  Take a sewing class.
15.  Make a quilt.
16.  Organize all my digital photos, real photos, negatives, etc.  And back them up.  And upload them to Flickr.
17.  Take a picture of Andrew every day for a year, at least.  And then make a video like that one guy did for 7 years with the cool song.
18.  Take a picture of something every day in hopes of becoming a better photographer.
19.  Go on a cruise.
20.  Travel out of the country.
21.  Travel to Mexico.
22.  Take a train going annnnyyyyyywheeeeere.
23.  Visit my brother and his wife in Austin more often.
24.  Take Andrew to a reputable zoo.
25.  Travel the Pecos Trail.
26.  Go camping, at  least once.
27.  Attend more concerts.
28.  Meet someone famous.
29.  Paint.
30.  Do stuff on pinterest.  Keep track of my progress.
31.  Make the switch to gmail, completely.
32.  Charter a stroller club.
33.  Redecorate my house, my WHOLE house.  Inside and out.  Yard too.
34.  Make my laundry room into a pinterest laundry room.
35.  Create and maintain a yard.
36.  Write a book about zombies.
37.  Have an awesome birthday party.
38.  Have an awesome tea party, just  because.
39.  Make my own baby food.
40.  Organize my whole life.
41.  Remember to write 'Thank You' notes.
42.  Make my own Christmas cards enclosed with an annual letter.
43.  Finish TV series that I start. 
44.  Watch every movie on the '101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die' list.
45.  Organize and update my iPod often.
46.  Keep my NEW car clean.
47.  Build something.
48.  Believe in something.
49.  Apologize to people I have wronged in the past. 
50.  Start my own business!  Or at least one with my Dad.

This is only 50 goals, and most of them might seem selfish or shallow, but these are things I need to do for myself at this time in my life.  Giving to the homeless, stopping animal cruelty, caring for my elders, etc. is a given.  And when I do those things, I probably won't be posting about, or if I do, it's not to brag or cross off my list, it's just a way to maintain a record of my recollections of 2012. 

I probably will be editing or adding to this list throughout the year, as well as crossing tasks off.  I have not set any deadlines or dates, just need to 'git er done'. 

On that note, I'm off to bed.


Friday, December 30, 2011

First post of the New Year...errr, first post of the end of the year?

I shouldn't even call this blog 'Casa de Cockrell'.  I should just call it 'Sammye's Space' because this blog is probably going to be all bout ME.